STM-MIQ-09-Motorisation et commande d'axe pour la robotique

  • ue-mec-stm-miq-09
  • Mécatronique

Semestre : 9

Responsable(s) du contenu pédagogique
  • Sylvain DURAND
  • Olivier PICCIN
Total coefficients : 3
Total heures : 30 (9 TD, 21 TP)


- Automatic control general course (Autom. 1 et 2)
- State space representation, state feedback control and state observer (Autom. 3)


Advanced control, application to Mobile Robotics


Introduction to Mobile Robotics:
- Wheeled mobile robot
- Nonholonomic constraint and unicycle modeling
- Feedback linearization
- Trajectory tracking
- Perception, positioning and localization

Contraintes pédagogiques - Méthodes pédagogiques

Introduction to Mobile Robotics:
- Wheeled mobile robot
- Nonholonomic constraint and unicycle modeling
- Feedback linearization
- Trajectory tracking
- Perception, positioning and localization

Mode d'évaluation

Computer exercises and practical project on mobile robotics, advanced control, trajectory tracking, perception, localization, etc...
Evaluation is based on a video and a short scientific paper.


- "Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers", K.J. Aström and R.M. Murray (Princeton University Press, available online)
- "Automatic Control Systems", F. Golnaraghi and B.C. Kuo (Prentice-Hall Inc.)
