STM-GT2E-10-HVAC water networks ageing
- ue-gec-stm-gt2e-10
- Génie Thermique Energétique et Environnement
Semestre : 7
Responsable(s) du contenu pédagogique
- Philippe DENIER
Total coefficients : 2,5 |
Total heures : 33 (24 cours, 9 TP) |
Total heures travail personnel : 40 |
Every king of education on material, material properties, water solution chemistry
Learning some basics on corrosion processes and scaling processes in HVAC water networ in buildings.
Identifying the main case histories and their origine.
How to treat water/system to reduce or limit scaling and corrosion.
What are the standards and the best practices and state of the art.
Parameter to be measured on water to evaluate corrosion issues or scaling issues (water chemistry, titration, units, precision ...)
Electrochemistry of corrosion processes (galvanic cells, differential aeration cells, stress/fatigue corrosion, crevice/pitting corrosion ..)
But also physical deterioration i.e. erosion corrosion, cavitation ... and microbial corrosion (biocorrosion)
Description of the different material used in plumbing/piping. Mechanical properties/ metallurgical structure/forming processes in connection with corrosion
Standards and best practices (DTU, NF, EN ...)
Treatment and prevention.
Scope :
drinking/tap water, hot (sanitary) water, heating system (high temperature/low temperature), underfloor heating, cooling system (with or without glycol), steam system (open/closed or semi-closed system)
Contraintes pédagogiques - Moyens spécifiques
Chemistry lab for practicals
Mode d'évaluation
Synthesis of all the lab - due at the end of the semester (coef 2)
2 exams (coef 1 + coeff 2)