Inventive design and Innovation

  • UE Electif
  • Génie Thermique Energétique et Environnement

Semestre : 7

Responsable(s) du contenu pédagogique
  • Nicolas SERRES
Total coefficients : 1,5
Total heures : 18 (18 TD)


Engineering design methods associated to functional analysis, notions of industrial property (patent). Modeling Solution concepts using CAD tool. TRIZ notions would be a plus.


Large companies but also smaller ones (SME-SMIs) have all adopted the idea of placing innovation at the heart of their strategy. Thus messages stemming from top management are unambiguous: we must innovate or disappear. But beyond words, very few of them have implemented how to methodologically support the innovation processes. R&D services, often at the origins of inventions which will become innovations of the company, are familiar in formalizing practices of engineering methods, techniques and tools that make the Design process more robust. But can we speak of robustness for the innovation process? INSA Strasbourg appears for many years as leading education and research on the subject of engineering innovation. This is largely due to the existence of a research activity on the topic in his laboratory the Lgeco (laboratory of engineering design). This elective module is the instructional and teaching declination of our recent advances in research in Inventive Design at INSA. It build a link between Inventive design approach developed from the TRIZ theory, largely used in industry and their needs to formalize innovation by engineering methods in companies.
The goal of this module is to propose an invention based on an existing object from present time (in other terms what is going to be the future of this object). This proposal should be accurately defined in order to convince a jury that it represents an inventive option for its future. To achieve such a goal, the methodology based on TRIZ of the Lab will used.


At the beginning of module, each team think about a potential existing object and in which way this object is perfectible. During each meeting a theoretical and methodological part to present the approach will be made, and then a sequence where it will be placed into practice in a computer room using STEPS tool will follow. The main discussed contents are :
1.Analysis of the elements of the complex and multidisciplinary problems by graph problems
2.Systemic of the object of study and temporal decomposition
3.Analysis of the object of study in terms of the laws of evolution
4.Extraction of key parameters of the study and establishment of the polycontradictions
5.Treatment of keys contradictions with the matrix, the principles of separation and substances-fields.
6.Ranking of the Solution Concepts and measurement of their impact on the problems of starting graph.
7.Aggregation of the concepts in a final solution to be defended and presented to industry at the meeting of Defense.

Autonomous work :
Novelty in 2015, STEPS-Web module will be tested in order to access to your work on any browser.
All procedures requiring additional work what could not be done during the sessions, PowerPoint presentation before the final exam, research of prior existing and competing patents, group webpage content, are outside the face-to-face courses.

Contraintes pédagogiques - Moyens spécifiques


Mode d'évaluation

How autonomous work will be followed:
Registration on IdeasLab is necessary so as the use of the application STEPS-Web.

Evaluation modes : 15min of presentation per groups in a viva will be organized at the end of the module. A jury will evaluate the semester work through the presentation and the group webpage contents.


[1] G. Altshuller, The Innovation Algorithm
[2] G. Altshuller, Systematic Innovation: An Introduction to TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)
[3] V. Fey, Innovation On Demand: New Product Development Using TRIZ
[4] Y. Salamatov, TRIZ: the Right Solution at the Right Time: A Guide to Innovative Problem Solving
[5] D. Clausing, Effective Innovation: The Development of Successful Engineering Technologies
[6] S. Savransky, Engineering of Creativity: Introduction to Triz Methodology of Inventive Problem Solving
