STM-ARC-06-Projet d'architecture 2 - e-CREHA
- ue-a-stm-arc-06
- Génie Thermique Energétique et Environnement
Semestre : 7
Responsable(s) du contenu pédagogique
- Christelle GRESS
- Alexandre GRUTTER
Total coefficients : 1,5 |
Total heures : 28,5 (4,5 cours, 24 projet) |
Total heures travail personnel : 33 |
Students are supposed to have the following skills obtained during the past 3 years of Architectural Studies:
- Basic notions of English (since the studio is held in English).
- Very good knowledge on design and representation, in 2D and 3D, of an architectural project composed of several levels.
- Understanding of conventions and means of representation in drawings (plans, sections, elevations) and models.
- Mastery of building scales from architectural design to building elements' details (1:200 / 1:100 / 1:50 / 1:20 / 1:10 and 1:5)
- Work on elevations.
- Work on materiality.
- Work on the structure.
- Graphic communication skills.
The student after attending the architectural design sessions is capable to:
- consolidate essential to the project's practice methodologies.
- enrich her/his architectural culture.
- initiate a critical reflection on architecture and its relations with society and engineering disciplines (applied thermal engineering and civil engineering).
- develop sensitivity, creativity, innovativeness and the spirit of discernment.
- obtain a gradual acquisition of autonomy.
- improve her/his English level (since English is the teaching language of this design studio).
This first semester Architectural Design Studio consists of two projects, each intended to develop key skills and methods for a specific subdomain of architectural, urban and landscape design. Working on a variety of scales and temporalities the projects are cumulatively intended to give each student foundational architectural urban and landscape design skills promoting a collaborative spirit among a cohort with diverse technical, experiential and cultural backgrounds. Both projects are intended to prepare students for the spring semester where the studio focus on the first semester's outputs expanding the development of the first semester's projects on the building scale through collaborative architectural and engineering design practices.
The notion of climate change and the objectives of this architectural design studio
Simultaneously, we live in a time of transition where the concept of " climate change " has become an important social phenomenon that has a significant and brutal impact on architectural production. In this architectural design studio we try to reinvent the architectural design by making the climate as a design parameter that comes from the beginning of the conceptual act. Thus, we try not to reproduce in a blind way architectural and programmatic stereotypes. On the other hand, space is not treated here as another area on which the oppositions of social reality are represented " rationally ", but as a heterogeneous set in which particular local conditions must be produced and rationally feed the architectural design; towards the goal of being linked to other social and spatio-temporal relations. To do so, students are invited to use the concept of heterotopia (epistemologically and philosophically).
Contraintes pédagogiques - Méthodes pédagogiques
The project, is pedagogically used as a process and knowledge tool sketching in a concrete way:
- a reading area
- a conceptual space
- a formalization space
- a space for verification, evaluation and validation
- a transmission space
Contraintes pédagogiques - Moyens spécifiques
Furthermore, the present design studio is complementary to "projet 1" and aims to become a fertile environment of valorization and self-discovery where confrontation with others and work experience shape the students' personality. Different thematic lectures on the beginning of the sessions feed the continuous dialogue and enhance the alternative way of seing and conceiving urban and architectural space.
Mode d'évaluation
The deliverables for the final presentation at the end of the semester are summarized below.
1. Concept design submission: Maximum six A3 horizontal pages including a representative cover page. This booklet must explain the key concepts of the student's project and how it aims to redynamize the entire site. In this document students have to include a Project description with a maximum of 500 words, references, materials, spatial arrangement of their program, sketches of design process and final sketches of ideas. Text on these pages must be typed using Arial font 10.
2. 200 word statement summarizing the main architectural ideas that are addressed through the design and a short explanation of how the main concept is correlated to the epistemological and theoretical notion of heterotopia. This text must be typed using Arial font 10 in A4 paper format.
3. Presentation Board: 6 A0 (841 * 1189 mm) presentation board which must include two site plans one at 1:1000 scale, and 1:500 scale (including the urban solution). Indicative floor plan dimensioned with indication of finishes at 1:500, elevations at 1:100, 4 3D impressions of exterior, at minimum 4 sections at 1:100. Two models of the site including the solution respectively at 1:1000 and 1:500 scale.
Regarding Sustainable Building Design Principles
- Knowles R.L. " Energy and Form: An Ecological Approach to Urban Growth ". Cambridge: MIT Press, 1974.
- Myrup L.O. " A Numerical Model of the Urban Heat Island ". Journal of Applied Meteorology. Vol. 8.
- Fleig K. ed " Alvar Aalto ". New York :Praeger, 1975.
- Hopkinson R.G., Petherbridge P., Longmore J. " Daylighting ". London : Heinemann, 1966.
para-architecture references: