STM-ARC-06-Projet d'architecture 1 - e-CREHA
- ue-a-stm-arc-06
- Génie Thermique Energétique et Environnement
Semestre : 7
Responsable(s) du contenu pédagogique
- Christelle GRESS
- Alexandre GRUTTER
Total coefficients : 1,5 |
Total heures : 24 (24 projet) |
Total heures travail personnel : 33 |
The students are supposed to have the following skills obtained during the past 3 years of Architectural Studies:
- Capacities of understanding a place (character, physical and human environment,...).
- Basic notions of English (since the studio is held in English).
- Mastery of different urban scales (1:5000 / 1:1000 / 1:500) and temporalities.
- Notions of landscape design.
- Good knowledge of Collaborative Design Engineering Practices.
- Abilities on conceiving the organization and the layout of a simple program to, at least, two components (housing (s) + small collective equipment).
The fourth year Architectural Design Studio runs for two semesters, and it addresses the theme of "climatic heterotopia" in different architectural scales. The objective of the present module is the development of the perception of architecture as a specific discipline that deals with the treatment of space in urban scale, mobilizing a variety of different disciplines and engineering practices.
The present architectural design studio deals with the philosophical and epistemological notion of "heterotopy" (or "heterotopia"), which is seen here as the key concept for developing in both architectural and urban scale innovative "climatically heterotopical" spaces developing in an alternative way urban farm activities (in the vertical and horizontal direction).
The notion of heterotopy
In evolutionnary sciences, heterotopy is an evolutionary change in the spatial arrangement of a subject's development, complementary to heterochrony that consists, a change to the rate or timing of a development process. In philosophy, heterotopia is a concept elaborated by philosopher Michel Foucault to describe certain cultural, institutional and discursive spaces that are somehow "other": disturbing, intense, incompatible, contradictory or transforming. Foucault's theoretical concept has proved to be particularly interesting in the theoretical debate regarding space.
Both concepts (epistemological and philosophical) have become in the past, elements of space's theoretical definition for architects, planners, geographers and philosophers in their attempt to conceive/design the space and/or to interpret the spatial dimension of contemporary social phenomena. In the restricted dimension of the term, in architecture heterotopias are prisons, clinics, a cemetery, an " urban vacuum ", a " bidonville " the American motel and the Persian or Japanese garden. But also heterotopias can be, a party, the honeymoon, a disorder, an alternative arrangement and in general an out of the ordinary space.
In conclusion, in the framework of the present design studio we try to design a multisensorial architectural space using ad hoc light, sound and climate towards the goal of redefining the sensitive dimension of the Q of High Environmental Quality labelization through the definition of "climatic heterotopies" at the urban scale.
Contraintes pédagogiques - Moyens spécifiques
The atelier is the place where the project is born, and where the project evolves during the whole semester. The specific pedagogic methods that are applied during this pedagogical act consist on using a shared workplace where all the learning, theoretical, experimental, philosophical and practical dimension of the project are synthesized. The students develop their projects being motivated by the pleasure of "practicing and creating", by intuition, by analysis, while our design sessions are a place of research and experimentation on the basis of continuous exchange and debate where the multiplicity of opinions is encouraged.
Mode d'évaluation
Students are invited to present their work in front of a jury at the middle of the semester.
Regarding heterotopias :
Regarding urban farms :
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