STM-PARC-4-Automatique 3

  • ue-mec-stm-parc-4-conception pour la robotique
  • Génie Mécanique

Semestre : 8

Responsable(s) du contenu pédagogique
  • Sylvain DURAND
Total coefficients : 3
Total heures : 33 (12 cours, 9 TD, 12 TP)


- Elementary linear algebra (highly recommended)
- Automatic control general course


State space representation, state feedback control and state observer:
- Build a state-space representation of a dynamical system (from differential equations or transfer functions)
- Design a state feedback control that fulfills with performance specifications
- Design a state observer and an observer-based feedback control
- Dynamic control of systems with multiple inputs and outputs and/or high-order systems


- State-space representation
- Relationship between state equations and transfer functions
- State transition matrix and state transition equation
- Stability, controllability, observability
- State feedback control design and pole placement
- Observer design and state estimation
- Observer-based output feedback control
- Discrete state representation
- Integral action and disturbance rejection
- To go further: introduction to linearization, introduction to linear quadratic optimal control

Contraintes pédagogiques - Méthodes pédagogiques

- State-space representation
- Relationship between state equations and transfer functions
- State transition matrix and state transition equation
- Stability, controllability, observability
- State feedback control design and pole placement
- Observer design and state estimation
- Observer-based output feedback control
- Discrete state representation
- Integral action and disturbance rejection
- To go further: introduction to linearization, introduction to linear quadratic optimal control

Mode d'évaluation

Lectures, practical works and former exams, practical labs:
- Lab1: (guided) introduction to Matlab/Simulink for state feedback control and state observer
- Lab2: study of an electronic system and implementation of a state feedback control strategies on Arduino


- "Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers", K.J. Aström and R.M. Murray (Princeton University Press, available online)
- "Automatic Control Systems", F. Golnaraghi and B.C. Kuo (Prentice-Hall Inc.)
