STM-ART-04-Formation plastique, expressions graphiques 3
- ue-a-stm-art-04
- Architecture & Ingénierie
Semestre : 4
Responsable(s) du contenu pédagogique
- Anke VRIJS
- Laurent REYNES
- Christelle GRESS
Total coefficients : 2 |
Total heures : 24 (24 TD) |
Total heures travail personnel : 38 |
Être ouvert envers le monde de l'art
Be open minded to practice and the world of art in connection with the world of architecture
1) Continuer à expérimenter différentes approches plastiques de manière individuelles et en groupe
2) Communiquer par les dessin ou d'autres formes plastiques
3) Pratique du croquis
4) Mettre en relation l'architecture et les arts plastiques à partir de concepts partagés
1) Continue to experiment with different plastic approaches individually and in groups having started the previous year.
2) Sketching technique.
3) Relationship between architecture and visual arts from shared concepts.
4) Stimulate the plastic awareness of interior space, outer space, materiality
1) Specific projects are proposed each year according to the exhibitions within the Strasbourg Museums or other cultural institutions.
2) The specific vocabulary related to visual arts and correspondence with architecture.
3) Oral expression from personal productions.
4) Study trip
Work independently: Draw, paint, sculpt, visit exhibitions ...
Contraintes pédagogiques - Méthodes pédagogiques
1) Specific projects are proposed each year according to the exhibitions within the Strasbourg Museums or other cultural institutions.
2) The specific vocabulary related to visual arts and correspondence with architecture.
3) Oral expression from personal productions.
4) Study trip
Work independently: Draw, paint, sculpt, visit exhibitions ...
Contraintes pédagogiques - Moyens spécifiques
salle arts plastiques, musées, site
plastic arts room, museums ...
Mode d'évaluation
L'évaluation est faite à chaque séance à l'issue de la présentation collective des travaux. Les commentaires donnés permettent à l'étudiant de faire le transfert sur son propre travail. Si l'étudiant le souhaite, il est possible à chaque moment de demander un commentaire plus personnel à l'enseignant.
The evaluation is made at each meeting after the collective presentation of the work. The comments given allow the student to transfer them to his own work. If the student wishes, it is possible to ask the teacher for more personal comments at any time.
BOSSEUR Jean-Yves, Vocabulaire des arts plastiques, Minerve, 1998.
GAILLOT Bernard-André, Arts plastiques. Éléments d’une didactique critique, Paris, PUF, 1999