STM-PS-01-Parcours GCE : Thermodynamique appliquée 1

  • ue-a-stm-ps-01
  • Architecture & Ingénierie

Semestre : 2

Responsable(s) du contenu pédagogique
  • François GLORIANT
  • Christelle GRESS
Total coefficients : 2
Total heures : 16,5 (9 cours, 7,5 TD)
Total heures travail personnel : 10


- Basic notions of English (since the lectures and the TD sessions are held in English).


The main objective of the module consists on learning how to master the thermodynamics of humid air. Furthermore we will focus on understanding how the thermodynamics of humid air are applied to building applications. To do so each student will develop a small-scale concrete applicative technical project related to the thermodynamics of humid air. Finally, this module aims to initiate the basic principles regarding the operation and the characteristics of the thermal machines.


The pedagogic program is divided in two parts as follows:

Part 1: Thermodynamics of humid air (4.5 hrs CM / 4.5 hrs TD)
- Humid air basics
- Characteristics of humid air
- Definition of vapor pressure
- Dalton's Law and Partial Pressures
- Properties of the moist air mixture
- Phase change of water contained in a moist air mass
- Clapeyron diagram
- Definition of specific quantities
- Specific humidity (water content or absolute humidity)
- Relative humidity
- Degree of saturation
- The state variables of humid air, Mollier diagram and applications
- Specific enthalpies
- Moist air diagram
- Principles of construction of an enthalpy diagram
- Building and climatic applications of humid air thermodynamics

Part 2: Thermodynamics (4.5h C / 3h TD)
- Reminders about forms and sources of energy
- Scientific basis of heat / work conversion
- Thermal properties of simple fluids (thermodynamic diagram)
- Conservation of energy
- Second principle
- Analysis of heat transfer problems: methodologies
- Applications to thermal machines
- Heat Exchangers

Contraintes pédagogiques - Méthodes pédagogiques

The pedagogic program is divided in two parts as follows:

Part 1: Thermodynamics of humid air (4.5 hrs CM / 4.5 hrs TD)
- Humid air basics
- Characteristics of humid air
- Definition of vapor pressure
- Dalton's Law and Partial Pressures
- Properties of the moist air mixture
- Phase change of water contained in a moist air mass
- Clapeyron diagram
- Definition of specific quantities
- Specific humidity (water content or absolute humidity)
- Relative humidity
- Degree of saturation
- The state variables of humid air, Mollier diagram and applications
- Specific enthalpies
- Moist air diagram
- Principles of construction of an enthalpy diagram
- Building and climatic applications of humid air thermodynamics

Part 2: Thermodynamics (4.5h C / 3h TD)
- Reminders about forms and sources of energy
- Scientific basis of heat / work conversion
- Thermal properties of simple fluids (thermodynamic diagram)
- Conservation of energy
- Second principle
- Analysis of heat transfer problems: methodologies
- Applications to thermal machines
- Heat Exchangers

Contraintes pédagogiques - Moyens spécifiques

The teaching of the modules is based on lectures using a video projector (TD rooms).

Mode d'évaluation

A final written control will be held at the end of the semester. Furtermore the students have to independently work on a small scale given project and submit a short report (15 pages – A4 format) and an xls file with all the calculations conducted on the framework of this project.


References (not exhaustive list)

- E. Schmidt. Properties of Water and Steam in SI-units. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1982.
- R. W. Bain. Steam tables. National engineering laboratory, Great Britain, 1964.
- P. E. Liley. Thermal conductivity of 46 gases at atmospheric pressure. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 1968.
- R. B. Keey. Drying principles and practice. Pergamon Press, Great Britain, 1972.
- F. Incropera, D. P. DeWitt, Th. L. Bergman, A. S. Lavine, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
