STM-ING-02-Energétique du bâtiment 1
- ue-a-stm-ing-02
- Architecture & Ingénierie
Semestre : 2
Responsable(s) du contenu pédagogique
- Alexandre GRUTTER
Total coefficients : 4 |
Total heures : 54 (24 cours, 18 TD, 12 projet) |
Total heures travail personnel : 15 |
Connaissance des différents modes de transferts de la chaleur (cours)
Basic notions of English (since the TD studio is held in English).
Compréhension des phénomènes physiques intervenant dans les transferts (chaleur et masse) d’un bâtiment. Calcul des déperditions et des charges
The main objective of the TD sessions consists on developing a critical and interdisciplinary method of architectural synthesis coupled to applied thermal engineering processes in order to move towards optimal conceptual solutions at the scale of the building in terms of aesthetics, qualities of environment and environmental impact (form of the building, composition of the envelope, inclination of the walls, distribution of functions, compactness and general morphology of the building, daylight management). Furthermore, the TD sessions target the familiarization with the different regulations, norms, nomenclatures, data sheets and the institutional policy of sustainable development in the context of Òclimate changeÓ but preserving at the same time architectural creativity.
Compétences attendues
Capacité à mettre en place un raisonnement scientifique rigoureux. Capacité à mobiliser les ressources d'un large champ de sciences fondamentales.
- Être capable de résoudre un problème scientifique à l'aide de méthodes analytiques ou numériques
• Notions sur le contexte énergétique.
• Notions sur la réglementation thermique.
• Identification des transferts d’énergie et de masse dans un bâtiment.
• Rappel su les 3 modes de propagation de la chaleur : applications aux bâtiments.
o Conduction : régime permanent / régime dynamique / propriétés des matériaux (diffusivité, effusivité ….)
o Convection
o Rayonnement
• Etude des parois opaques
• Définitions et détermination des ponts thermiques.
• Etude des parois vitrées
• Bilan thermique d’un bâtiment
During the TD sessions, the following program will be accomplished:
" Development of decision tools for architectural design in the context of sustainable development.
" Integration of energy performance constraints in the upstream project phase
" Strategies for creative and intelligent management of the energy performance of the building via strategic choises adapted to the specificity of a project
- Notions of thermal confort and thermophysiology.
- Determination of intuitive indicators concerning the particular geometric characteristics of a project in connection with applied thermal engineering practices.
- Definition of a common indicator context for all teams and standardization of energy calculation renderings.
- Identification of thermal bridges.
- Lighting needs. Reasoning in terms of daylight factor (FLJ).
- Approximate modeling of daylight (use of the Harvard method). Application of the Daylight factor calculation method to the particular context in which each student places his architectural project.
- Introduction of the notion of climatic environment (meteorological data, heliograph). Holistic climatic and architectural study in a given site.
- Introduction of a parametric method for manual calculation of solar gains.
- Parametric approaches for manual calculation of energy consumption related to heating.
Contraintes pédagogiques - Méthodes pédagogiques
During the TD sessions, the following program will be accomplished:
" Development of decision tools for architectural design in the context of sustainable development.
" Integration of energy performance constraints in the upstream project phase
" Strategies for creative and intelligent management of the energy performance of the building via strategic choises adapted to the specificity of a project
- Notions of thermal confort and thermophysiology.
- Determination of intuitive indicators concerning the particular geometric characteristics of a project in connection with applied thermal engineering practices.
- Definition of a common indicator context for all teams and standardization of energy calculation renderings.
- Identification of thermal bridges.
- Lighting needs. Reasoning in terms of daylight factor (FLJ).
- Approximate modeling of daylight (use of the Harvard method). Application of the Daylight factor calculation method to the particular context in which each student places his architectural project.
- Introduction of the notion of climatic environment (meteorological data, heliograph). Holistic climatic and architectural study in a given site.
- Introduction of a parametric method for manual calculation of solar gains.
- Parametric approaches for manual calculation of energy consumption related to heating.
Contraintes pédagogiques - Moyens spécifiques
The atelier is the place where the TD session take place. The project evolves during the whole semester in relation to the output of the applied thermal engineering analysis. The specific pedagogic methods that are applied during the TD sessions consist on creating synergies between applied thermal engineering and architectural design practices. The TD sessions consist a shared workplace where all the scientific and esthetic dimension of the project are synthesized.
Mode d'évaluation
Students are invited to orally present their work at the end of the semester and deliver the following documents :
1. Concept design submission: Maximum six A3 horizontal pages including a representative cover page. This booklet must explain the key concepts of the student's project and how the architectural design has been transformed due to thermal energy calculations. It is extremely important to illustrate the entire process from the beginning of the project and show how the project evolved due to the integration of environmental parameters. In this document students have to include a Project description with a maximum of 500 words, references, materials, spatial arrangement of their program, sketches of design process and final sketches of ideas. Text on these pages must be typed using Arial font 10.
2. 200 word statement summarizing how the main concept resulted how it evolved in the specific given climatic concept. This text must be typed using Arial font 10 in A4 paper format.
3. Presentation Board: Maximum 3 A0 (841 * 1189 mm) presentation board which must include indicative floor plan dimensioned with indication of finishes at 1:100, elevations at 1:100, 4 3D impressions of exterior and/or interior spaces, at minimum 4 sections at 1:100, 2 details at the 1 :25 scale showing the enveloppe's composition and especially the thermal insulation treatment of the proposal. One final model of the site including the final output at 1:100 scale and all the intermediate rough draft models from the beginning of the exercise. All models should include full information regarding the materiality of the solution.
4. An xls file with all the thermal calculation conducted from the beginning of the project till the end of the semester.
Cours :
Thermique appliquée aux bâtiments, Gérard Porcher & Daniel Hernot, Les éditions parisiennes
Techniques de l’ingénieur
References in relation to the TD sessions' program (not exhaustive list)
Hopkinson R.G., Petherbridge P., Longmore J. " Daylighting ". London : Heinemann, 1966.
Kibert Ch. J. " Sustainable Construction : Green Building Design and Delivery ". New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
Olgyay V. " Design With Climate ". Princeton, NJ :Princeton University Press, 1963.
Bainbridge D.A., Haggart K. " Passive solar architecture : heating, cooling, ventilation, daylighthing and more using natural flows ". Chelsea Green Publishing, 2011.